地点:腾讯会议: 759-9643-5802 会议密码:123321
陈阳洋 (江南大学)
时间 | 报告人 | 题目 | |
11.11 | 14:00-15:00 | 王之程 | Wavefront sets and descent method for finite symplectic groups |
| 15:05-16:05 | 董超平 | Dirac series of rank seven exceptional Lie groups |
11.12 | 14:00-15:00 | 韩刚 | Dixmier Conjucture |
| 15:05-16:05 | 陈阳洋 | The cohomology of locally analytic representations |
日期 | 时间 | 报告人 | 题目 |
11.18 | 9:00-10:00 | 白占强 | Annihilator varieties of highest weight modules for classical Lie algebras |
| 10:05-11:05 | 马家骏 | Generic Hecke algebra and theta correspondence over finite fields I : Conservation relation |
| 14:00-15:00 | 马家骏 | Generic Hecke algebra and theta correspondence over finite fields II : Correspondence of general representations. |
| 15:05-16:05 | 薛华健 | Full theta lifting for type II dual pairs |
11.19 | 14:00-15:00 | 陈佳源 | Equivalent definitions of generalized Gan-Gross-Prasad relevant pairs for p-adic general linear groups. |
| 15:05-16:05 | 陈阳洋 | Cohomology of locally analytic representation II |
日期 | 时间 | 报告人 | 题目 |
11.25 | 9:00-10:00 | 蔡延安 | Representations for \mathbb{Z}-graded Lie superalgebras of growth 1. |
| 10:05-11:05 | 肖维 | Jantzen coefficients and generalized Harish-Chandra modules |
日期 | 时间 | 报告人 | 题目 |
12.02 | 9:00-10:00 | 张鸿锋 | Compute the multiplicities of K-types via intertwining operators |
| 10:05-11:05 | 李宁 | On some results of transfer in local theta correspondence |
12.02 | 14:00-15:00 | 栾永志 | Lie Algebra e_{7 ½} and Dynkin Index |
| 15:05-16:05 | 黄家裕 | On a conjecture of Salamanca-Riba and Vogan for U(p,q) |
Wavefront sets and descent method for finite symplectic groups
报告人:王之程 (苏州大学)
摘要:D. Jiang and L. Zhang proposed a conjecture which related the wavefront sets of irreducible admissible representations and the descent method in the local fields case. Recently, they and D. Liu define the arithmetic wavefront set which based on the local Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture. In this talk, we study the relationship between wavefront sets, descent method and finite Gan-Gross-Prasad problem for finite symplectic groups. We calculate the multiplicity of an irreducible representation in the generalised Gelfand-Graev representation corresponding to finite fields analogies of the arithmetic wavefront sets. In particular, for cuspidal representations, we give certain multiplicity one theorem and show that the finite fields analogy of arithmetic wavefront sets coincides with the wavefront sets in the sense of G.Lusztig and N. Kawanaka..
Dirac series of rank seven exceptional Lie groups
摘要:This talk will introduce the classification of Dirac series of the three linear real forms of complex E7: E7(-25), E7(-5) and E7(7). We will try to explain how the group structure affects the classification results, in particular the cancellation phenomenon.
Dixmier Conjucture
The cohomology of locally analytic representations
报告人:陈阳洋 (江南大学)
摘要:We will report Jan Kohlhaase’s work on cohomology theory of p-aidc reprensentations of p-adic groups
Annihilator varieties of highest weight modules for classical Lie algebras
摘要: Let g be a semisimple complex Lie algebra. For a U(g)-module M, let I(M) =Ann(M) be its annihilator ideal in U(g) and J(M) be the corresponding graded ideal in S(g) = gr(U(g)). The zero set of J(M) in the dual vector space g* of g is called the annihilator variety of M, which is also called the associated variety of I(M). A two-sided ideal in U(g) is called primitive if it is the annihilator of an irreducible representation of g. In 1985, Joseph proved that the associated variety of a primitive ideal is the Zariski closure of a nilpotent orbit in g*. In this talk, we will give a combinatorial characterization of the annihilator varieties of highest weight modules for classical Lie algebras. We find that our method is much faster than Atlas software after some communications with Vogan.
Generic Hecke algebra and theta correspondence over finite fields I : Conservation relation.
摘要:Theta correspondence is a basic tool to relate representations of different classical groups, which is expected to be a concrete realization of certain Langlands functorialities.
In this talk, we consider the theta correspondence of type I dual pairs over a finite field F_q. Aubert-Michel-Rouquier and Pan established an explicit formula for theta correspondence between unipotent representations using the character theory of finite groups of Lie type. We will discuss an alternative method to attack the problem: considering the correspondence of generic Hecke algebras modules. We will explain how the Fourier transform enters the picture and how
the normalization of Hecke algebra leads to the conservation relation for "theta cuspidal"-representations. If time permits, I will also discuss how the correspondence of the correspondence between theta cuspidal representation is pinned by a similar computation. This is joint work with Jialiang Zou and Congling Qiu.
Generic Hecke algebra and theta correspondence over finite fields II : Correspondence of general representations.
摘要:In this talk, we continue the discussion on the Hecke algebras approach to theta correspondence. We will first explain the classification of certain Harish-Chandra series representations. Then we give an explicit basis for certain Hecke algebra modules. In the end, we deduce the main result via Tits deformation. This is joint work with Jialiang Zou and Congling Qiu.
Full theta lifting for type II dual pairs
摘要:In this talk, we will introduce the full theta lifting for type II reductive dual pairs with a focus on the equal rank case and the almost equal rank case.
Equivalent definitions of generalized Gan-Gross-Prasad relevant pairs for p-adic general linear groups.
摘要: Gan-Gross-Prasad (2020) proposes a notion of relevant pairs, governing the branching law of Arthur type representations. I will explain some equivalent formulations for generalizing the notion to all irreducible representations of p-adic general linear groups. We shall focus on the viewpoint from Kashiwara’s crystal operators.
Cohomology of locally analytic representation II
报告人:陈阳洋 (江南大学)
摘要:We will continue on the report of cohomology of locally analytic representation, now focus on the main results about this theory.
Representations for \mathbb{Z}-graded Lie superalgebras of growth 1.
摘要:We will introduce recent progress on simple weight modules with finite dimensional weight spaces for \mathbb{Z}-graded Lie superalgebras of growth 1.
Jantzen coefficients and generalized Harish-Chandra modules
报告人:肖维 (深圳大学)
摘要:In this talk, we will give some recent results about generalized Harish-Chandra modules in representation theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras, focusing on highest weight modules. In particular, we introduce the Jantzen coefficient which is a useful tool in the research about highest weight modules.
Compute the multiplicities of K-types via intertwining operators
摘要: The intertwining operator play an important role in the determination of unitary dual of real groups. Firstly, we review Barbasch’s paper “The unitary spherical spectrum for split classical groups” and explain how to determine the unitarity of Hermitian modules. Secondly, we show how to get the multiplicities of some K-types of the irreducible Langlands subquotient by computing the intertwining operators.
On some results of transfer in local theta correspondence
摘要:The notion of transfer is a way to relate representation theory of different real forms of a complex semisimple Lie group. It is realized by the composition of the Zuckerman functor and the forgetful functor. In this talk, I will explicitly describe the transfer of 𝜃𝜃(1) of Sp(2n,R) in the case of non-stable range via the study of K-types. As a corollary, we will prove certain compatibility of local theta correspondence and the transfer functor.
Lie Algebra e_{7 ½} and Dynkin Index
报告人:栾永志 (山东大学)
摘要:The Lie algebra e_{7 ½} comes from Pierre Deligne’s work on the exceptional series of Lie groups. Using the triality algebra, J. Landsberg and L. Manivel construct this Lie algebra in 2006. We study the construction of this Lie algebra, and branching rules of e_{7 ½} to the special linear Lie algebra sl(3,C) and complex exceptional Lie algebra g2. We use the computer algebra system SageMath to carry out our calculations. We find 24 behaves like the `dual Coxeter number’ of e_{7 ½}.
On a conjecture of Salamanca-Riba and Vogan for U(p,q)
摘要:在1998年, Salamanca-Riba 和 Vogan 在《数学年报》提出一个猜想。倘若猜想成立,则能把实约化群酉表示分类的问题,简化到只考虑最低K型为unitarily-small的 (g,K)-模上。基于初稿(arxiv:2210.08684),我将证明猜想于 U(p,q) 成立。