报告人: 李 铎 博士 (数学所研究生)
题 目:minimal models of a suface
时 间:05月04日 (星期一), 15:20-16:50
地 点:数学院南楼N202室
摘 要: In this talk, we want to study minimal models of a smooth projective algebraic surface. Our main object is to show that :
1、Every biritional morphism between two smooth projective algebraic surfaces is actually a composition of successive blowing-ups of points.
2、Every non-ruled surface has a unique minimal model.
(We follow the proof in the book “Complex Algebraic Surfaces”, Arnaud Beauville.)
We will also recall some basic knowledge about algebraic surfaces, such as intersection theory on surfaces, blowing-up of points,etc. If time permits, we will also cover how to construct a surface with infintly many (-1)-curves and what is the Albanese variety of a surface .
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