Time: 10:30-11:30  April 10, 2024 (Wednesday)

Speaker: Prof. Si Li (Tsinghua Univ)

Title: Holomorphic Chern-Simons at Large N 

Abstract: We describe the coupling of holomorphic Chern-Simons theory at large N with Kodaira- Spencer gravity. The 1st order deformation is realized by the Loday-Quillen-Tsygan Theorem on the Lie algebra cohomology of large N matrices. We show that the dynamics of Kodaira-Spencer gravity is fully recovered from this large N holomorphic Chern-Simons theory.

(This is a series seminar organized by Prof. Yalong Cao and Prof. Zhengyi Zhou on Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics at MCM210 on each Wednesday. Please see more information on the website: http://www.mcm.ac.cn/events/seminars/202403/t20240329_772931.html)

