



报告人:Phan Thanh NamMathematics Institute, LMU Munich

  Correlation energy of Fermi gases



摘 要A cornerstone in the theory of electronic correlation is the random phase approximation (RPA), proposed by Bohm and Pines in the 1950s. Despite its long history, understanding RPA rigorously from first principles remains challenging. Wigner already recognized in 1934 that calculating the correlation energy, namely the correction to Hartree-Fock energy, cannot be achieved through standard perturbation methods. In this talk, I will explain how this can be accomplished rigorously using a bosonization method, where suitable pairs of electrons are interpreted as bosons. This approach leads to a quasi-free theory for bosons that goes beyond the usual quasi-free approximation for fermions. Consequently, it enables the computation of the correlation energy for a class of interacting fermions, including the electron gas in the mean-field regime and the dilute Fermi gas with a general short-range interaction potential.
