SCV&CG Seminar
Speaker: 邓富声 教授 (中国科学院大学)
Title: New looks at singularity in several complex variables
Time&Venue: 2024年12月19日(星期四) 9:30-10:30 & 南楼N913
Abstract: We give an introduction to some new viewpoints, problems, and results on singularity theory in several complex variables and complex gemetry. This is based on joint works with Qunhuan Liu, Yinji Li, and Xiangyu Zhou.
Title: A new look at ample line bundles
Time&Venue: 2024年12月19日(星期四) 10:40-11:40 & 南楼N913
Abstract: We show that negative line bunldes (duals of ample line bundles) over compact complex manifolds can be viewed as the unique irreducible desigularizations of certain kind of isolated singularities. Some related open problems will be mentioned. This is based on joint works with Qunhuan Liu, Yinji Li, and Xiangyu Zhou.